A structured approach to teamwork and collaboration
Do your students ever struggle when working together on group projects? The Team+ system is a web application that empowers your students to engage, focus, and collaborate effectively.
Click here to see the Instructor's Guide.
Team+ guides students through a structured team development process that helps them reduce team conflict, increase participation, promote individual accountability, and learn the soft skills they'll need in the workplace. It works well in any educational setting and includes collaboration tools and social networking features to help students stay connected and execute group work activities.
Your students will develop fundamental teamwork skills and enjoy a seamless group learning experience in the process. When implemented properly, Team+ offers you the ability to manage your learning groups without the need to serve as their personal team development coach. Simply download data reports for each team at the end of the semester to incorporate into your grade book. Distance learning has never been so easy.
Click here to see the Instructor's Guide.
Team+ guides students through a structured team development process that helps them reduce team conflict, increase participation, promote individual accountability, and learn the soft skills they'll need in the workplace. It works well in any educational setting and includes collaboration tools and social networking features to help students stay connected and execute group work activities.
Your students will develop fundamental teamwork skills and enjoy a seamless group learning experience in the process. When implemented properly, Team+ offers you the ability to manage your learning groups without the need to serve as their personal team development coach. Simply download data reports for each team at the end of the semester to incorporate into your grade book. Distance learning has never been so easy.
Online and Easy-to-Use
Seamlessly integrate Team+ into your classes.
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Empower Your Students
Team+ provides all the resources necessary to promote successful group learning. This includes…
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Monitor Team Activity
Students cannot hide! The informative Instructor App allows you to…
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Make a Lasting Impact
Your students will gain valuable insights and positive behaviors, such as…
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How Does Team+ Work?
Team+ consists of eight team activities that provide guidance and structure to help student teams be effective and productive.

Who We Are: Team Identity
The first set of activities move the team from “Me” to “We.” Team members create a team identity, and “get to know one another” while sharing photos and biographical information. These activities build trust and team cohesion.
How We'll Work: Operational Effectiveness
The next set of activities help teams make critical decisions about how to operate as a team. For example, how to communicate, adopt roles, and establish helpful ground rules.
How We're Doing: Process Improvement
In these activities, teams make “mid-course corrections” as they identify specific behaviors that enhance as well as impede their performance. They also complete a mid-semester peer-evaluation.
How We Did: Accountability
Teammates rate one another’s performance on five factors critical for team success; this feedback promotes personal development, participation, and accountability.
Team Identity
Effectiveness -
Improvement -